Functional Semantics

Functional Semantics

Updated General Semantics for a New Century

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Functional Semantics

If you're looking for information on Functional Semantics, the updated version of Korzybski's "General Semantics" then you're in the right place.

Here are some URLs-info to pursue on General Semantics.

Very good introductory site.

Downloadable introductory book.

Direct link for the book.

Below is a link to a pdf of Science and Sanity, the “foundational” book of General Semantics by Korzybski (this is my Google Drive). It's large for a pdf, but nothing compared to audio and video filesizes. It is a large (910 page) book and was written in the 1920s through 1933 so it's a tough read. Looking back I can barely believe I read it long ago.

Science and Sanity_An Introduction to General S...

Google searches on Korsybski and-or General Semantics will get a lot of good info, but the usual random bad stuff will appear, ie – anything I don't agree with! Youtube has some film of Korzybski.

There is a very practical book that doesn't have any (or much) of the underlying ideas that make GS hard to believe-accept, I don't have a pdf of it or even know whether it's available, but it is available as a physical book at both ebay and Amazon: Taming Your Mind by Ken Keyes Jr. It's a bit 1950s but still quite good.

I came across GS when I was fairly young, and it actually did change the way I view-perceive the world, but I haven't really thought about it much or tried to explain it till recently.

If you're interested in updates about Functional-General Semantics as-when I complete them, let me know!